• http://wp-images.emusic.com/assets/2012/07/christian-scott-christian-atunde-adjuah.jpg



    Origine du Groupe : North America

    Style : Jazz , Acid Jazz

    Sortie : 2012


    By JON GARELICK from http://thephoenix.com Since one of the first times I heard Christian Scott — at Sweet Lorraine's in New Orleans — he's always had an edge. It wasn't just his trumpet, but his band. They weren't playing jazz swing, but tricky groove patterns that built in intensity, driven by the gleaming, fierce sound of Scott's horn. It was well-considered and disciplined music, but not especially concerned with being polite. Now, six years later, Scott (who comes with his band to Scullers on August 10) is still riding that edge. His fourth studio release for Concord Records is a double-CD, an audacious move in its own right. Its title, Christian aTunde Adjuah, is Scott's adopted African name. And the titles of individual songs hint at the range of subject matter that Scott is referencing: from his New Orleans childhood and history with that city's Mardi Gras Indians ("Spy Boy/Flag Boy"), to the city's post-Katrina history ("New New Orleans-King Adjuah Stomp"), to further-flung topics like ethnic cleansing and rape in Sudan ("Fatima Aisha Rokero 400") and domestic violence in the US ("When Marissa Stands Her Ground"). Scott knows there are limits to what he can accomplish with instrumental music that was created with very particular topics in mind. In fact, when I get him on the phone at his home in Harlem, he bristles a bit when I suggest that some of his songs are "political." "I look at it more as a social thing. As I understand it, 'political' is about the dissemination of power among people. With the music that I make, I'm not telling anyone that they're supposed to be going against anything or choose sides. I'm just illuminating things that I've experienced or things I want people to think about." When you hear the album's first track, which begins with a piercing high-trumpet blast over roiling drums and unstable, rock-inflected guitar chords, you know that Scott is off about something, though you might not know what that is if you didn't see the title — maybe you know about the Rokero 400, maybe you have to look it up. Maybe you don't care and just want to listen. That's fine with Scott. "Of course, I want people to know what happened to those women in Rokero. But if someone comes up to me after a gig and says, 'I got the new album, and when I heard the first song it made me think of the things I had to endure to beat cancer,' I'm not gonna tell that person, 'That's not what it's about." Not every song deals with social strife. "Spy Boy/Flag Boy" harks back to the roles he and his twin brother Kiel played in his grandfather Big Chief Donald Harrison Sr.'s Mardi Gras Indian tribe, and the cover shows Scott in full regalia, surrounded by the peach-colored feathers of his Indian "suit." The album mixes hip-hop beats, African rhythms, and rock, informed by drummer Jamire Williams's encyclopedic vocabulary of beats and Matthew Stevens's ability to shift between rock-guitar edge and jazz flow. There are cinematic "interludes" throughout, marked by pianist Lawrence Fields's harmonic drifts. Perhaps the most telling title is "Who They Wish I Was." On it, Scott's muted trumpet converses in short, eloquent musical sentences with the relentless patter and hum of Williams's snare and Fields's piano. That Harmon-muted trumpet, the sound of those lines, are the only musical hints that this piece has to do with some people's "wish" that Scott pattern himself after Miles Davis. Scott's dense liner notes take specific issue with the desire of his elders that he — or jazz — be any one thing. "Scott's still my name," he tells me on the phone. "I'm just adding on to the name so it reflects a more global idea of what my history is." Hey, no argument from me. But I'm enjoying the enlightening and spirited debates Scott is having with his bandmates and the world at large. Tracklist : CD 1 01. Fatima Aisha Rokero 400 02. New New Orleans (King Adjuah Stomp) 03. Kuro Shinobi (Interlude) 04. Who They Wish I Was 05. Pyrrhic Victory of aTunde Adjuah 06. Spy Boy Flag Boy 07. vs. the Kleptocratic Union (Ms. McDowell’s Crime) 08. Kiel 09. Of Fire (Les Filles de la Nouvelle Orleans) 10. Dred Scott 11. Danziger CD 2 01. The Berlin Patient (CCR5) 02. Jihad Joe 03. Van Gogh (Interlude) 04. Liar Liar 05. I Do 06. Alkebu Lan 07. Bartlett 08. When Marissa Stands Her Ground 09. Cumulonimbus (Interlude) 10. Away (Anuradha & the Maiti Nepal) 11. The Red Rooster 12. Cara

  • http://www.track4-info.de/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Christian-Scott-_Yesterday-You-Said-Tomorrow_cover-300x300.jpgNote : ++


    Sortie : 2010
    Style : New Jazz , Electro Jazz

    Tracklist :
    1. K.K.P.D.
    2. The Eraser
    3. After All
    4. Isadora
    5. Angola, LA & The 13th Amendment
    6. The Last Broken Heart (Prop 8)
    7. Jenacide (The Inevitable Rise And Fall Of The Bloodless Revolution)
    8. The American't
    9. An Unending Repentance
    10. The Roe Effect (Refrain In F# Minor)

    Neveu du saxophoniste Donald Harrison, Christian Scott s’affirme comme un trompettiste de jazz avec lequel il faut compter. Ce quatrième enregistrement pour Concord est son plus abouti. « C’est la première fois que je travaille aussi dur sur un album » confie-t-il dans le dossier de presse qui l’accompagne. Enregistré par Rudy Van Gelder dans son célèbre studio d’Englewood Cliffs, “Yesterday you Said Tomorrow“ s’ouvre sur un accord de guitare électrique, l’instrument participant à une véritable mise en rythme de la musique. Jamire Williams fouette ses cymbales et martèle ses tambours. Christian Scott esquisse une brève mélodie puis improvise “sous la mitraille“. On est d’emblée séduit par la sonorité chaude et moelleuse de sa trompette. Le souffle se fait souvent chuchotement, le son devient respiration et se rapproche de la voix humaine. « J’essaye d’imiter la voix de ma mère lorsqu’elle chantait » a-t-il déclaré dans un entretien avec un journaliste. La branche d’embouchure inversée du modèle de trompette qu’il utilise, une Getzen Katrina, lui permet d’obtenir une sonorité plus douce. Jenacide repose sur les accords obsédants du piano de Milton Fletcher dont le jeu bluesy et élégant éclaire Isadora, une des ballades de ce nouvel opus, et After Hall semble construit autour de la contrebasse de Kris Funn. On notera le jeu en blockchords du pianiste avant la coda. Le jazz de Christian Scott se nourrit de rock, de funk et de hip-hop. Le trompettiste parvient à fondre toutes ces influences au sein d’une musique qui possède une véritable dimension orchestrale. « J’ai voulu créer une toile de fond musicale faisant référence à la musique des années 60 que j’aimais, le second quintette de Miles Davis, le quartette de John Coltrane, le groupe de Charles Mingus et la musique créé par Bob Dylan et Jimi Hendrix. » Outre The Eraser, une ballade brumeuse de Thom Yorke de Radiohead, seule reprise du disque, certains morceaux ressemblent à des chansons sans paroles, la guitare de Matthew Stevens leur donnant une coloration rock moins prononcée que par le passé. Dans Roe Effect, elle égraine les accords d’un thème chanté par la trompette. Le disque bénéficie également d’un important travail sur le son. Dans The Eraser, des objets placés sur les cordes métalliques du piano modifient sa sonorité. Une guitare volontairement sale, brouillée comme les ondes d’un émetteur radio, introduit An Unending Repentance. Soigneusement arrangé, “Yesterday you Said Tomorrow“ s’ouvre à des métriques inattendues (plusieurs types de mesures cohabitent parfois au sein d’un même morceau) et innove sur le plan du rythme. Le jazz bouge et Christian Scott est de ceux qui le font évoluer.

    Par Pierre de Chocqueuse

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