• http://ekladata.com/kPrz8thfvCmnzPjE1QfLlL_MNyA.jpg


    Origine du Groupe : Poland

    Style : Alternative Rock , Psychedelic Rock

    Sortie : 2008

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    From official Myspace :

    "...energetic, edgy, psychedelic garage burner from Warsaw, Poland";

    "Overall, an incredibly strong debut"

    - http://ripplemusic.blogspot.com/

    "Rachael know how to link the sound with something special that makes them unique"

    - http://glassforest.blogspot.com/

    "Rachael brings fresh sounds to the scene, making you get pumped, or just mellowing out, relaxing to the groove."

    - http://soundscapemusic.blogspot.com/

    "I like this, sometimes gloomy, but still good sound"

    - http://musiteka.net/

    "Influences form English post punk through American garage to indie"

    - http://assuntosmusicaispertinentes.blogspot.com/

    "The next Polish big thing."

    - http://rockrollrecords.blogspot.com/

    Tracklist :

    01 Asian Girl

    02 Juditha

    03 Going Up In Smoke

    04 V-66

    05 All You Need Is Lead


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