• V.A - Music From South India


    Origine du Groupe : V.A South India

    Style : World Music

    Sortie : 2004

    From the land of a thousand Gods and Goddesses

    from the land of ragas and talas....

    ancient mystical music,

    to jump start the spirit, to hot wire the soul

    Side 1

    1. Varnum, Raga Intha. A varnum is an opening piece in praise of the half human half elephant god Ganesh, asking him to remove all obstacles. perfromed by Mandolin virtuoso, U. Srinivas,

    2. Thyagaraja Kriti Kalavati. A piece composed by the 17th century Saint Thyagaraja. Preformed by the brother / sister duo of Krshnan and Vijaylaksmi Lagudi.

    3. Jaya Jaya, Pradmabha Nabha. Performed by one of the great vocalists, Sanjay Subramanium.

    Side 2

    1. Vapati, Hamsa Shvani (Song of the Swan). Perfromed by the elder statesman of flute, Dr. Ramani.

    2. Saraswati Namosthuthe, composed by G.N. Balasubramanium. A song in praise of the Goddess Saraswati (goddess of learning and music). Nadadesswaram is a large oboe like instrument used in
    wedding celebrations.

    *Recorded in 2004 by Dr. Temiz

    by nicholab  from  http://ghostcapital.blogspot.com  permalink

    Tracklist :

    01 Varnum, Raga Intha

    02 Thyagaraja, Kriti Kalavati

    03 Jaya Jaya, Padmabda Nabha

    04 Vapati, Hama Dhvani (Song of the Swan)

    05 Saraswati Namosthuthe


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